Table of Contents

Writing Client-Side Prediction Code

Network Input

Network Input describes what the player wants to do, which will be used to simulate the state of objects they want to control. This ensures that the client can’t directly change the state – the change happens by executing the input, which, even if tampered with, won’t be game-breaking.

Defining Inputs

To define a new input, create a struct that implements INetworkInput interface:

public struct MyInput : INetworkInput
   [Networked] // adding [Networked] to a struct field and making it a property allows Netick to provide extra compression to it.
   public Vector2     Movement { get; set;}
   public NetworkBool Shoot;

Network Input Constraints:

  • Must not have class-based network collections as fields. Only NetworkArrayStruct variants are allowed as network input fields.
  • Must not have reference types as fields.
  • Must not have string as a field. Instead, you can use NetworkString variants.

Setting Inputs

To set the fields of an input, you first need to acquire the input struct of the current tick, using Sandbox.GetInput. Then, you can set it inside NetworkUpdate on NetworkBehaviour:

public override void NetworkUpdate()
    var input       = Sandbox.GetInput<MyInput>();
    input.Movement += new Vector2(Mathf.Clamp(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), -1f, 1f), Mathf.Clamp(Input.GetAxis("Vertical"), -1f, 1f));
    input.Shoot    |= Input.GetMouseButton(0);

You could also set them on OnInput of NetworkEventsListener, which is preferred.

Simulating (Executing) Inputs

To drive the gameplay based on the input struct, you must do that in NetworkFixedUpdate:

public override void NetworkFixedUpdate()
    if (FetchInput(out MyInput input))
        // clamp movement inputs
        input.Movement     = new Vector3(Mathf.Clamp(input.Movement.x, -1f, 1f), Mathf.Clamp(input.Movement.y, -1f, 1f));

        // movement
        var movementInputs = transform.TransformVector(new Vector3(input.Movement.x, 0, input.Movement.y)) * Speed;
        _CC.Move(movementInputs * Time.fixedDeltaTime);

	    // shooting
        if (input.ShootInput == true && !IsResimulating)

To solidify your understanding, here's another more abstracted example:

public override void NetworkFixedUpdate()
    if (FetchInput(out MyInput input))
        // predicted action (movement).

        // non-predicted action (interacting with a world object like a vehicle or a pickup).
        if (IsServer)
            if (input.Interact)
        // predicted action, but not resimulated (shooting).
        if (!IsResimulating)
            if (input.ShootInput)

Here, we see three types of actions:

  1. Predicted: used for actions like movement. It's the default case.

  2. Non-Predicted: used for actions that are best left unpredicted. Let's use riding a vehicle as an example. Even though this action can be predicted, it's usually not, to avoid conflicts where multiple players predict that they entered the vehicle as a driver only for it to be mispredicted because another player did the action first, which can be very frustrating and look bad. This is accomplished by making the code only runs in the server using IsServer.

  3. Predicted but not resimulated: used for actions that must only happen during the first time ever when a tick is executed, and not during its resimulations. Usually you use this for things like shooting, to avoid the sound effect playing more than once or the visual effects spawning multiple times.


Everything that is modified around FetchInput, and also affects the networked state, must be networked using [Networked]. For example, if you have a variable that is changing over time which can affect the speed of the player, it must be networked.


When IsResimulating equals to true, every [Networked] variable has an older value, since we are resimulating past ticks. The first resimulated tick will have the server state applied to every networked variable.


Sandbox.GetInput and Sandbox.SetInput are used to read and set the user inputs into the input struct. While FetchInput is used to actually use the input struct in the simulation.


Make sure to clamp inputs to prevent malicious attempts to alter inputs to have big magnitudes leading to speedhacks. Inputs are the only thing the client has authority over.

FetchInput tries to fetch an input for the state/tick being simulated/resimulated. It only returns true if either:

  1. We are providing inputs to this object – meaning we are the Input Source of the object.
  2. We are the owner (the server) of this object – receiving inputs from the client who’s the Input Source. And only if we have an input for the current tick being simulated. If not, it would return false. Usually, that happens due to packet loss.

And to avoid the previous issue we talked about, we make sure that we are only shooting if we are simulating a new input, by checking IsResimulating.

Input Source

For a client to be able to provide inputs to be used in an Object’s NetworkFixedUpdate, and hence take control of it, that client must be the Input Source of that object. Otherwise, FetchInput will return false. To check if you are the Input Source, use IsInputSource.

The server can also be the Input Source of objects, although it won’t do any CSP, since it needs not to, after all, it’s the server.

You can set the Input Source of an object when instantiating it:

sandbox.NetworkInstantiate(PlayerPrefab, spawnPos, Quaternion.identity, client);

Changing the Input Source

To set the Input Source of the object (must only be called on the server):

Object.InputSource = newInputSource;

To remove the Input Source of the object (must only be called on the server):

Object.InputSource = null;


There are two methods you can override to run code when Input Source has changed or left the game:

  1. OnInputSourceChanged: called on the Input Source and server when the Input Source changes.
  2. OnInputSourceLeft: called on the owner (server) when the Input Source client has left the game.

RPCs vs Inputs for Client->Server Actions

Other networking solution rely heavily on the usage of RPCs. However, Netick allows for a much more easier, robust, and safer approach that will make most RPCs obsolete.

Let's take an example to understand this.

Say you want to interact with an object in the game world. A pickup, let's say. Now, instead of sending an RPC to this pickup, which will use additional bandwidth, in addition to being easily cheat-able (by being vulnerable to malicious users who will send RPCs to pickups that are not even nearby), you can simply use an Interact input field to implement the logic for it.

public override void NetworkFixedUpdate()
    if (FetchInput(out MyInput input))
        // movement
        if (input.Interact && IsServer) // adding IsServer when you don't want the client to predict this action.
          if (Raycast(..., out var objectToInteractWith)
            // do things

This way, you have full server-authority on what objects the client can interact with, and the code is very simple to read and debug. It's almost the exact same code you would use for a single-player game, excluding the input fetching logic.

Framerate Lower than Tickrate

When the framerate is lower than the tickrate, there will be more ticks than frames. Therefore, two or more ticks need to use the same input of one frame. Not handling this can cause the player character to move slower during very low FPS.

Enabling Input Reuse At Low FPS in Netick Settings

Enabling this option would automatically let Netick reuse/duplicate the same input of one frame to one or more ticks. You can also know if the input fetched is a duplicated input or not as follows:

public override void NetworkFixedUpdate()
    if (FetchInput(out MyInput input, out bool isDuplicated))
        if (!isDuplicated)
            // do stuff when this input is not a duplicate.